Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Turmoil as residents go head to head with johanesburg City council.

A group of enraged residents from Roodepoort  area has just announced plans to ‘secede’ from the City of Johannesburg and start their own Council. The rebel residents, led by ‘Colonel’ Darren Wick low, plan to launch a legal challenge to their right to exist as an independent municipality under the Local Government Act (1999).
The rebels will meet next Saturday from 10am at Tres Jolie Restaurant and will then proceed to march to the Johannesburg City Hall. The Council has refused to meet with the rebels branding their actions as “futile”.
Quotes from Darren Wicklow:
“The City of Johannesburg has ignored us for too long. Residents in our suburb have been slugged with higher charges than surrounding suburbs for the last five years”.
“We’re sick of subsidizing the inefficiencies of a Council that doesn’t represent us”.
“Last week’s rate rise was the final straw, there’s no turning back now, it’s independence or war”.

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