Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dotty Dodo:The secret II

According to conspiracy theorist Jesse Ventura, They're thought to be a group of the world's elite who meet once a year at a luxury hotel and decide how they will run the world. It's believed they plan to thin out the population through disease and vaccines.
Jesse ventura, focuses his study on an elite group called the bilderberg group.The bilderberg group is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are people of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military and media. Each conference is closed to the public. 
Part of media a list of invitees are sent out every year and these are some of the co operations part of the bilderberg group.
  • Will Hutton, former CEO of The Work Foundation and editor-in-chief for The Observer
  • George Stephanopoulos Former Communications Director of the Clinton Administration (1993–1996), now ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent
  • William F. Buckley, Jr. columnist and founder of National Review


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