Thursday, October 7, 2010


In Negri Sembilan Malaysia, A four year old baby girl was abducted and killed by a wild macaque from her home on Thursday.
In an interview with the 26 year old mother, V, Reva-thy, she left her daughter in the living room and went to the bathroom when the monkey snuck in and abducted the baby.
After a thorough search, she was found lying outside their home covered in blood. Also when spoken to the baby’s father V Nehru, 29 said she had bite marks along the ears, neck and head.
In an attempt to justify possible reasons to such an attack, the state wildlife department director Ishak Mohammad said the wild monkey could have been attracted by the female monkey pet the family harbored. 
In similar news, a four year old baby girl from Bernama, was attacked by a troop of monkeys. The baby suffered injury to the head, ears and neck.   

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